Visual Snowshoe Hare
I love this one
loving this design, i see a lot of other comments saying it needs more color so my suggestion to add any without changing the base design would b to add maybe freckle like stitching around the eyes and up the ears with small dots of color like how tv static has when you look at it for too long!
I have been waiting for a visual snow rabbit forever! I'm so glad it's gone into design, but ya, this one is much better than the other one, the TV is a good touch and I love the fur pattern. :]
I love the Snowshoe Hare concept, it's my favorite between the two for sure, but I also really like the symbolism of the colors on the snow bunny. I think this guy would look nice with some muddy pastel colors instead of pure grayscale fur. Regardless, I love VSS Hare and will be buying if he makes it through production!!
As someone who has VSS, I think this plush matches my experience with it a lot better than the other design. I’ve always compared it to static on a TV, so to me the television theme feels like a perfect gimmick to represent it.