Epilepsy V2

Epilepsy V2

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 27 comments
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    • I felt it was missing a question mark for the confusion after a seizure.. My son always is confused why he missed half my conversation but I do love the colors

    • Not a huge fan of the flashlight, I get what it represents I just kinda wish there was a better way to portray it. I also love the idea of the swirly eyes being mentioned, not only for the confusion of after a seizure but it can also represent the spacey feeling some epilepsy medications make you feel as well as the confusion of having an unknown trigger. The bandaid idea being mentioned would also be a nice addition and would help break up the block of purple as it feels like a bit too much purple as someone who enjoyed the patchy mismatched ears on the V1 rabbit, the purple may come off as a bit jarring since its such a strong colour (I know its the colour for epilepsy though so I know why we also want it there.)

    • Not a huge fan of the flashlight, I get what it represents I just kinda wish there was a better way to portray it. I also love the idea of the swirly eyes being mentioned, not only for the confusion of after a seizure but it can also represent the spacey feeling some epilepsy medications make you feel as well as the confusion of having an unknown trigger. The bandaid idea being mentioned would also be a nice addition and would help break up the block of purple as it feels like a bit too much purple as someone who enjoyed the patchy mismatched ears on the V1 rabbit, the purple may come off as a bit jarring since its such a strong colour (I know its the colour for epilepsy though so I know why we also want it there.)

    • I don't understand the random button on the ear.

    • I saw someone else mention the idea of swirly eyes. I like this idea. As someone with epilepsy who is not photosensitive, I feel like it gives the impression that the individual is out of it, like some people are during seizures. If you are able to add the flashlight, maybe add a few EEG wires on the head. That would make it perfect.

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