Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 44 comments

Visual snow is a rare neurological condition characterized by tiny flickering dots or static, much like the "snow" on an old television screen, that appear across the entire field of vision. These dots can be black, white, colored, or transparent and are constantly present. 
It has been more recently linked to tinnitus and migraines, though the exact cause is unknown. 

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    • I would love to discuss on this topic more as I have had this, and all of these symptoms, and have been told that it was part of my neural Behcets disease. As far as the.”floaters” I my vision that’s what my ophthalmologist calls them and I have to see one every year because I have retinal detachment as well. Is this something anyone else is experiencing? Thank you in advance. ~Niccy

    • Maybe a static pattern on the underside of the ears as well, and maybe concentrated near the base to represent tinnitus?

    • would love to have more static on/around the bunny, for example in the ears
      maybe wind-like swirls or general patterns on the outside of the ears for the tinnitus comorbidity?

    • Head injury..should have a big swirl on it

    • I agree with the other replies saying that there should be more visual static represented on the plush’s fur (an outline would look cool). I also want to mention that some people have visual snow independent of migraines so if migraines are implemented into the design I’d want it to be a more minor detail, just to stay true to the original prompt.

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