Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 50 comments

Visual snow is a rare neurological condition characterized by tiny flickering dots or static, much like the "snow" on an old television screen, that appear across the entire field of vision. These dots can be black, white, colored, or transparent and are constantly present. 
It has been more recently linked to tinnitus and migraines, though the exact cause is unknown. 

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    • i LOOOVE having a colorful design for Visual Snow, but although i do love bright colors they are tiring and hurtful for the eyes so i agree with the "duller colors" suggestion (and cause yeah, it is way more visible in the dark usually.) it could also maybe somehow represent how it affects sleep? at least in my case, sleep gets soo much harder if i'm already a bit overstimulated cause static + nonstop phosphenes when i close my eyes + tinnitus make trying to rest an awful experience.

    • i think the colors should be dulled down, for me personally bright colors (and especially white) can sometimes hurt my eyes. also, maybe there is a chance to include some of the common side effects (muscle pain, depression, migraines)

    • not a fan of this concept compared to the grey version but i like the design for the eyes on this one

    • Here's my take on the Visual Snowbunny! I've had Visual Snow ever since I was a little kid, noticing how there were some small "pixels" around everything I saw. I'd look at the sky and see slight static, everything in my camp of vision slightly moving as if there was a very faint static filter on top of everything I saw.
      Visual Snow gets much worse at night, whenever a room is pitch black I can only see CYMK static very clearly and rapidly moving. Only turning the lights on can fix that.
      I also suffer from Tinnitus and have gotten many anxiety attacks due to the loud, undescribable noise there is inside my head. I'd stay up for so long trying to stop hearing that noise.

    • I think more dull versions of the colours would work nicely, especially considering it’s more visible in the night/darkness. I also think that, like others have suggested, flakes of other colours in the fur would be nice because when you have the VS you can’t see a solid colour without the static interrupting it. I agree with the other comments too asking for more static on the plush, I think the undersides of the ears would be awesome and you could possibly put some floaters on the inside of the ears too!

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