Adrenal Fatigue
I think the wind up key should be removable and a plush key.
It will be hard to adjust the name towards anything more… encompassing and relatible without exclusion of other conditions…
I view Adrenal-type Fatigue as a sum of symptoms that accompany other conditions, while adrenal fatigue may be so severe it can be considered a condition on its own.
Perhaps Illness-related Fatigue is the better match here? Not to exclude other fatigues out there that are exactly as described?
Symbolism is right on the spot, although I don't like the Rot symbolism in general (any plushie)
The amount of times my friend and I have had unsympathetic comments when having a bad flare up and told you’re going to ROT in that bed, when I read it , I thought the symbols were appropriate. I’m glad you’ve had more positive experience and can understand you view for a nicer wording
This is Chronic fatigue too a tea, love the mask, wind up key, symbolism. Just perfect except the name which everyone has commented one. Chronic fatigue would cover many conditions like Fibromyalgia, ME, CFS, Lupus etc. Change name, keep everything else
I need this chronic fatigue bunny! I love it