Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Crowd Design : Plushie Dreadfuls Visual Snowbunny

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 43 comments

Visual snow is a rare neurological condition characterized by tiny flickering dots or static, much like the "snow" on an old television screen, that appear across the entire field of vision. These dots can be black, white, colored, or transparent and are constantly present. 
It has been more recently linked to tinnitus and migraines, though the exact cause is unknown. 

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    • I really love this design already. I just hope it’s soft. Besides that I think it’s absolutely perfect as someone who has visual snow!

    • I don’t know much about visual snow though I often suffer from floaters and occasionally double vision but it is a lovely looking bunny who obviously needs a tail. I do however suffer from tinnitus in both ears plus hearing loss so would love to see a tinnitus bunt or dare I say it a cat!

    • I have visual snow, funnily enough did not know it wasn’t the normal way people see until a few years ago.
      I like this design concept! I would personally prefer the colours be more muted since the snow can sometimes affect the way color looks (especially in lower light), and I’d love to see some kind of TV static element, maybe in place of the heart as someone else has commented?, since describing it as “static, like on a screen but across everything I see” is generally how I get the point across to others.
      Also I like one of the previous commenters bringing up floaters, I recently developed/noticed those and they’ve been super frustratingly in the way of… everything. It would make sense to somehow incorporate those little clear-vision-worms into the design, maybe as texturing in the ears, or as separate little bunnies that come with the plushie, as some other designs have done. Sort of as “constant tagalongs,” since they never really go away, and the visual effects come with you wherever you go.

      veritas - oliver
    • I have visual snow from an adverse reaction from zoloft! Is there a way to incorporate how some of us with visual snow can see ‘halos’ around objects? Like a circle around the eyes or even a straight up halo at the back of the head?
      Also something that shows a representation of the occipital lobe? Maybe the halo can incorporate a dot where bunny would have an occipital lobe

      I really love it so far!!

    • I think that i would like if the design had something to represent floaters. For me they are kinda black with like a colorful trail/outline. Floaters are a common part of visual snow and i would love for them to be represented. I also agree with what someone else said about maybe adding some sort of TV symbolism. Otherwise love it and im so happy its in the crowd design process.

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