Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 6 comments


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    • I like the colour, blanket and coffee. Like other commenters, I feel the ants may be triggering for some (they give me the ick). Maybe a crinkly fabric inside the legs to give that static feel.

    • The design is adorable, I love the little blanket and the antennae are so cute. I adore the colors and the sleepy vibe to it, it's super relatable. My only negative is the ants. While some people have that crawling feeling in their legs, I think the visual is a little triggering. Otherwise, super cute bunny!

    • I feel more “tingly” or “static” rather than an ants crawling sensation. It might be a neat idea to add like a type of fabric that when you rub the legs together it makes a soft noise like a fidget or have a comforting texture!

    • The ants might trigger some people, maybe instead give the bunny an ant “friend” like the worry bunnies (it’s less triggering that way). I really like the design overall!

    • My restless leg absolutely feels like bugs crawling on me sometimes.
      I love most of this, though depending on how the ants look, they might be a touch triggering for some people. (myself included)

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