Antisocial Personality Disorder V3

Antisocial Personality Disorder V3

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 10 comments

Please note that this is still V2 but it is the 3rd Draft. 

Comments open for one week, please be respectful towards each other and Plushie Dreadfuls staff when making comments. 

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    • The description is far better, it no longer feels hostile. Thanks for changing it

    • I’ve been eyeing your ASPD rabbit since the previous version. This update looks much better, especially with what each component symbolizes. I feel like the heart design represents a difficulty in relationships well, but it also reminds me of how isolating this disorder can be. The colors you chose work well too! I look forward to the final product!

    • Purple could actually work!! we dont mind the rusty red but purple isnt a colour they use a lot :-) could be cute lowkey!!

    • i like the colors on this one, don’t know why the last one was so hated i found it very accurate, should give this one something that signifies the disconnect/dissociation and that it’s out of place, like adding the uncomfortable smiling mouth and big dilated eyes the old one had, it was perfect, gave a very intense vibe and “something’s off but you just can’t figure it out”

    • It looks so much better than the previous desighns ! Love the resting bitch face, can relate lol. Only thing I would change is colours, as some previous commenters mentioned pink would look pretty good, maybe purple ?

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