Burnout V1
I love the design overall and the fact it's a candle makes a lot of sense it's also quite adorable
It’s stated in the description that the paper is a magnetic piece that’s attached to the bunny’s hands. You could easily remove it if it’s in the way of cuddling. Also, since we usually experience burnout during work/projects, imo the ripped paper is very on point. Next best thing is to add fire to the paper lol.
I really love the concept and design! I just feel like the coal oven seems too much or that the design should look more like a little window with swirls to look like wisps of smoke.
I don't really understand the purpose of the paper, and I feel like it would get in the way of cuddling, so I would just get rid of it entirely. I love this theme, and I love the colors. Not sure how I feel about the face. Burnout definitely needs a certain face, but not sure this is the one.
I imagined the burnout rabbit motif as a candle that has burned down, leaving only a wick—a completely exhausted image. Like ashes left after burning or a thin, used-up matchstick. This rabbit seems more like another Halloween-themed rabbit than a representation of having mentally and physically burned through all its fuel from burnout.