Vertigo V1
Please make the bell come off for those of us who like to cuddle our bunnies. The only thing I would say as something to think about is that I describe vertigo as "going to the carnival." Different rides give you a different feeling, ie. Carousel, roller coaster, and the Scrambler as examples.
Little bell bows(that dont actually jingle near the base of the ears would be better. Also I dont understand the ruffles and puffs representing underwater. I dont have a better idea though
Definitely more spirals, I agree. I feel like I’m at the funfair when my vertigo goes off. Not so sure on the snail idea tho
In another design you did a wave to show feelings of being under water.
As many people don't like the big bell, maybe smaller bell symbols on each ear over the wave design and all symptoms interlinked.
As my world feels like its spinning, what about a mini tornado symbol on the head maybe???
Otherwise great -
I really like it, the only thing that I'm really not a fan of is the bright pink eyebrows! A muted color would be better.
I looked at what others said too, and though I personally like the bell, I do think replacing it with bell "patches" in the ears would be cute. (And drop the brown and yellow! The bell being cool toned would make it fit in with the rest of the plush.)