PMDD Small update

PMDD Small update

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 6 comments

 Not too much change here, just wanted to put this here as an official "back to work" moment, as we head into the new year and re-start prototyping and crowd design in about a week :) 

Some changes to the facial expression. We will look into a hot water bottle if it is possible. 

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    • Please keep the tutu removeable in any future designs going forward! Women suffer the majority of PMDD and it is debilitating; these brave folks deserve all our love and understanding for this painful condition, but I know some trans men with periods too, so keeping the tutu removable makes this piece more accessible. Although a piece of clothing has no gender, it has an association, and everyone with PMDD being represented warms my heart. The only thing is that I'm not a fan of the sad/teal color.. it looks a little jarring and out of place next to the black/red palette on the opposing side.

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