PMDD Small update

PMDD Small update

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 6 comments

 Not too much change here, just wanted to put this here as an official "back to work" moment, as we head into the new year and re-start prototyping and crowd design in about a week :) 

Some changes to the facial expression. We will look into a hot water bottle if it is possible. 

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    • Where’s the chocolate? 🤣
      And I wonder if the skirt should be red instead (for obvious reasons)

    • I love these ideas!! Especially the hot pink & the uterus inclusion!!

    • i’m so glad to see the pmdd rabbit slowly making its way to production some day! my pmdd is debilitating without medication and i’ve been wanting a rabbit to represent it for a while! I think that the tutu is a fairly good idea but it would really need to be removable, as a nonbinary person it makes the rabbit feel really gendered, and my pmdd already gives/exacerbates me and many others gender dysphoria. I know the red goes with the concept of menstrual blood and rage but i think the crackling could look really good in a hot pink color? it’d look nicer with the teal and since it’s a disorder that only afab people suffer from, it could represent that factor!

      something i would really love is some type of uterus symbol, maybe keep the alchemical coagulation symbol on the back of one ear and add a similarly stylized uterus on the other? :) or maybe the rabbit could even have a tiny uterus friend like the ARFID rabbit’s toast slice, and then we can throw the uterus or stomp on it when our hormones are hormoning :3 i really think uterus symbolism in general would make it feel a bit more like a pmdd specific plushie

    • I think the sides should not be so neat or the cracks shouldn’t be confined to one side. Like with my pmdd it doesn’t just influence around the time I have my period because I get scared of when it’s gonna happen or when I feel unwell or have big emotions it’s like is this because of my period or not? It’s even worse if you don’t bleed because of the stuff they use to try and control the conditions like birth control or iuds because you get irregular or no bleeding so it makes you feel crazy because you don’t know if it’s hormones being bad or not

    • I agree with the color change of the teal. I think maybe keeping the black on one side with the split and have the red cracks of pain spread into the other buns half coloring the other half all red. In my opinion thar would really integrate the 'half a month of pain' very well. Teal would be great for inner ear tear drops which could even compliment a teal tutu.

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