

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 17 comments
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    • Highly agreed! My mother suffers NF and this’ll be great representation for her

    • I’m sorry for posting again, but over the few days I was thinking of other things that could be added or shown on the bunny. Maybe the bunny could be a inch smaller than the others here since NF causes those with it (myself included) shortness. Maybe a way to show balance issues, though I’m not sure how to represent it. My first thought was slightly uneven legs but I’m not 100% .

      Maybe even a way to show all 3 types of NF in this bunny. As I mentioned the balance issues would symbolize what else those with type 2 experience.

      As for the 3rd type which is called Schwannomas a a rare genetic disorder that results in multiple tumors (called schwannomas) that grow on the coverings of peripheral nerves throughout the body and can cause debilitating pain and neurological dysfunction. And it can be really painful. From what I read on this one symptoms of schwannomatosis is intense pain, which can occur when a schwannoma grows and presses on a nearby nerve or other tissue. This can happen anywhere in the body, and some have symptoms in multiple areas. So maybe something that could represent that like maybe a different textured patch of fur on a random part of the body of where the pain could be. Maybe show tiredness and aches in the plush too since this affects all three types.

      Maybe as a companion item it is something that shows how complex and broad this disorder is.

    • Hi!
      I'm so happy to see this page!
      Maybe I'll put the café au lait more randomly
      But beside this I think it's perfect
      Thank you, and can't wait to buy it!

    • This is a cute bunny maybe more café au lait spots in varying sizes since people with it, myself included, tend to have many spots all over. Maybe the ears can be different to match the awareness colors like one blue the other green with lighter blue and green spots. Or the eyes could be green and blue (but keep the blindness in one).

      I can't wait for it to become real. It's nice to feel seen.

    • Really looking forward to this one. A Cafe spot of the nose, perhaps on the otherside would be particularly representative of someone Ill be buying this for.
      And another person I knew with the condition had a spot over her nose too come to think of it..

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