Endometriosis V2
If the warming storage isn't possible, could you maybe change the fabric and make the whole thing a microwaveable plush? I find ones with removable heating pads aren't hot enough as the fabric dampens the heat a lot. Also could the heatable pouch/plush be non-scented (or give options) as some of us are sensitive to certain smells (like lavender).
Also, the scars are more reminiscent of a C-section scar rather than the four individual lap scars most people have.
I like the suggestion from previous comments of making the paws a darker colour for moods
I do love this design a lot more than V1 though!
I really like this bun a lot more than the first version but I question the use of the venus symbol again. Even if its a much smaller element here I think it could turn a number of people off from buying the bun who don't want to have it there at all.
Hi I just have a couple of suggestions but I like the overall feel of the design! The first one is that the hearts seem unnecessary as they add nothing to the design and are really feminine. I think it would be better to replace the hearts with lightning bolts to resemble how painful the condition is (one of the most painful conditions any human can be diagnosed with), or at least change the one on the chest to a heart beat sign to represent heart issues and chest pain caused by endo. The colors also feel too soft for the condition. Maybe changing the colors to red and lower paws to blue (to represent numbness/tingling from endo growth on the sciatic nerve) would make more sense for the design. Also having purple lines under the eyes to represent lack of sleep from pain and general fatigue from the disorder might fit better than the blush, as I’m not sure what the blush is meant to represent other than making the design more feminine. Also maybe changing the Venus symbol to something more inclusive, because endo isn’t just a disorder affecting females. Some others that might fit better are iron (the sword for fighting pain) pain, fire, or time symbols to represent that endo affects us all month long. I don’t understand the mood regulation issues aspect, it is not in the diagnostic criteria for endo. Endometriosis does not cause mood regulation issues, that is more PMDD and PCOS which can often be diagnosed together but not always. I think the design might be better off without it, as there are more impactful things to center like pain and the endo growth itself. I and the other people in my life are really great at putting up a face through the pain, so maybe adding something about masking rather than mood regulation would work better. It would be cool to include endo growth, like maybe a tie dyed bunny pattern to show that it can grow everywhere and is almost impossible to get rid of completely. I also think maybe adding something under the hat to represent head symptoms like excruciating headaches (and endo can grow on the brain and around the head) would be cool. Thanks for all you do!
It's not much different to the current one, which people said was too positive and cute, except it has a hat and a sad face. I would mute the yellow, and use dark colours on the paws if they're meant to represent moods. Like a dark red and blue maybe.
i love this new design and i add directly in the cart