Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 82 comments
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    • I agree with all of the comments describing the characterizations of chronic pain. I love what you have done and had a couple of ideas-If you could incorporate the FACES pain scale and a lightning bolt to signify those suffering from chronic neuro pain.

    • I definitely would like to see darker but still intense, saturated colors as opposed to muted. Chronic pain is intense!! Even with pain medication, I tend to feel things more acutely. I’d also like to see baggy eyes .

    • I agree with a lot of the comments about the colours being darker, chronic pain (CRPS) is a dark and sinister syndrome. Personally the spiky bracelets shouldn’t be there because a lot of chronic pain sufferers have allodynia and to cuddle a bunny with spikes on him/ her would cause a lot of pain if they touched the places where people have allodynia. I also think that if this bunny is representing CRPS as well as other chronic pain conditions then the bunny needs to show more scar stitching, fire symbols and in general be more beaten up.
      I’ve recently purchased your new Gold ASD Bunny because to me he represents CRPS so well with the orange infinity sign (CRPS is the orange ribbon and we are in pain all the time, the infinity symbol), his hands are walls to show putting up or guards to hide our pain from everyone, he’s incredibly soft and soothing to hold with the Fiddle bubble material in the inner ears (CRPS requires a huge amount of distraction and aids to help cope with the pain). The only thing missing from the ASD Gold Bunny that would make it perfect for CRPS is scars, tired eyes, a tear drop and possibly as others have said a zipper with a pill bottle/ bandage/ heat pack etc.. Even the brown colour of the bunny with the orange inner ears (which represents fire to me), the eyes looking away, to me, is symbolisation of being or feeling ignored by the medical profession and the little orange dots in his eyes represents the strength and resilience as well as the fire we feel in our bodies, is perfect for CRPS.
      So I know you didn’t make the Gold ASD Bunny for CRPS but it resonated with me and my condition (CRPS) and the Bunny I want to cuddle when I’m having a flare-up far better than the Chronic pain Bunny. In fact she (mine’s a girl) is doing her job right now and has been a massive help for the last week or so during this particular flare-up.
      If anyone out there has CRPS look at the Gold ASD Bunny and maybe he’ll resonate with your too.

    • I think there should be one tiny tear at on eye to represent hiding tears from the pain.

    • In my opinion having at least 50 bunnies at home that this would be much better with a brace or wrap for sure and be darker as chronic pain isn’t something we can explain its almost a dark secret hiding the pain the way we do.

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