Big Thread of Suggestions

Big Thread of Suggestions

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 1542 comments

 Comments will not show up immediately, please do not submit your suggestion multiple times as it makes it harder to process all the suggestions in a timely manner. We can see and review all your comments even if they don't show up on the page. 


Post Your Suggestions for future plushies here, and feel free to upvote

others suggestions as well!


Before posting, please keep in mind:

1. Participating with suggestions will not qualify participants to receive payment or any other form of compensation.

2. Share your text ideas simple and not overly descriptive.

3. We cannot accept fan design images as suggestions. Please do not attempt to submit photos or links for that.

4. Comments must be appropriate for public safe viewing. This means no curse words, threats, or references to adult content are allowed.

5. Be polite and respectful towards people participating here, including Plushie Dreadfuls designers.

6. Do not post the same suggestion over and over. In fact, if you see it in the comments already, it is ok to upvote it instead.

7. Any attempt to skew or pump up a design through dishonest means will result in that one design being removed.

8. This space will be moderated, so comments can be removed and users can be banned due to inappropriate behavior.

9. We make no promises that all suggestions would be considered.

10. Have fun!

    1 out of ...


    • colourblindness bunny!! a bunny for each type of colourblindness (such as tritan or protan) maybe? or one bunny that’s inclusive to all types since there’s a lot lol :) id make the main colours in black/white/grey so all types can see the colour all the same!

    • Please give another AVPD bunny a chance ;-;

    • Agoraphobia bunny! I'd love a little bunny friend who is just as afraid of the world as I am. Maybe with eye symbolism to show the feeling of everyone watching you, or textured limbs to show the numb feeling you get during panic attacks, things like that.

    • Please redesign the fibro bun! As much as I love it it fits more as a myofasial pain syndrome bunny. Tender points are a part of MPS which while is often comorbid with Fibro, is not part of the fibro disorder itself. I would love to see some more tie dye effect or flowing lines to represent widespread pain, because fibro is very misunderstood and can soemtimes be disabling with how severe the constant pain is.

    • Nutcracker bunny for Christmas?

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