Big Thread of Suggestions

Big Thread of Suggestions

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 1542 comments

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Post Your Suggestions for future plushies here, and feel free to upvote

others suggestions as well!


Before posting, please keep in mind:

1. Participating with suggestions will not qualify participants to receive payment or any other form of compensation.

2. Share your text ideas simple and not overly descriptive.

3. We cannot accept fan design images as suggestions. Please do not attempt to submit photos or links for that.

4. Comments must be appropriate for public safe viewing. This means no curse words, threats, or references to adult content are allowed.

5. Be polite and respectful towards people participating here, including Plushie Dreadfuls designers.

6. Do not post the same suggestion over and over. In fact, if you see it in the comments already, it is ok to upvote it instead.

7. Any attempt to skew or pump up a design through dishonest means will result in that one design being removed.

8. This space will be moderated, so comments can be removed and users can be banned due to inappropriate behavior.

9. We make no promises that all suggestions would be considered.

10. Have fun!

    1 out of ...


    • I'd love to see a metalhead bunny to go along with the goth bun and emo moth!

    • I'd love to see an ostomy/stoma bunny, with it's own little stoma and bag! You could make the three types (colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy) separate or have one for all of them.

    • First off I want to say I'm excited for your Neurofibromatosis bunny, I have this disorder. I heard stories from my mom from when I was a baby little to nothing was known about it. She told me how doctors in my city didn't even know how to spell it and were looking through their books for information on it. So jump to today and seeing how its known and seeing representation of this disorder, it feels nice and not so alone.

      All that to say, I wanted to suggest two other; renal tubular acidosis and rickets.

      Renal Tubular Acidosis (Fanconi Syndrome leads to this) occurs when the kidneys do not remove acids from the blood into the urine as they should. The acid level in the blood then becomes too high, a condition called acidosis. Some acid in the blood is normal, but too much acid can disturb many bodily functions.

      Rickets is a condition that affects bone development in children. It causes bone pain, poor growth and soft, weak bones that can lead to bone deformities. Adults can experience a similar condition, which is known as osteomalacia or soft bones.

      In rare cases (like me), children can be born with a genetic form of rickets. It can also develop if another condition affects how vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body.

      As an adult I'm still dealing with all three of these as an adult and takes medications for the last two. I'm know this world is huge and your plushies are amazing and I think plushies for Rickets and RTA would be amazing.

      I'm 3000% going to be ordering the NF bunny when its available. Thanks so much for making these wonderful or should I say dreadful plushies ❤️

    • Maybe social anxiety bun version? It could have bright and colorful ears for vibrant personality/various ideas etc. and sad beige color (or any other bland color) for the rest of the bun for keeping it all inside because of the fear of judgment.

    • A Hashimoto’s plushie! As someone who lives with the disease I’d love to see more representation!

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