Big Thread of Suggestions

Big Thread of Suggestions

Plushie Dreadfuls · · 1403 comments

 Comments will not show up immediately, please do not submit your suggestion multiple times as it makes it harder to process all the suggestions in a timely manner. We can see and review all your comments even if they don't show up on the page. 


Post Your Suggestions for future plushies here, and feel free to upvote

others suggestions as well!


Before posting, please keep in mind:

1. Participating with suggestions will not qualify participants to receive payment or any other form of compensation.

2. Share your text ideas simple and not overly descriptive.

3. We cannot accept fan design images as suggestions. Please do not attempt to submit photos or links for that.

4. Comments must be appropriate for public safe viewing. This means no curse words, threats, or references to adult content are allowed.

5. Be polite and respectful towards people participating here, including Plushie Dreadfuls designers.

6. Do not post the same suggestion over and over. In fact, if you see it in the comments already, it is ok to upvote it instead.

7. Any attempt to skew or pump up a design through dishonest means will result in that one design being removed.

8. This space will be moderated, so comments can be removed and users can be banned due to inappropriate behavior.

9. We make no promises that all suggestions would be considered.

10. Have fun!

    1 out of ...


    • An ME/CFS bunny (I did not appreciate the idea that we take 'cat naps', I would have spoke up, but didn't know this proccess).
      - Blues for ME/CFS awareness
      - Sleepy looking eyes and large bags under them to show the fatigue, pale skin, I'm too exhausted for make-up
      - Sleep mask – we can be sensitive to light and need a mask to sleep (yes, many of us with chronic fatigue also suffer from insomnia!)
      - Messy, long ear fur, I don't have the energy to bathe often, and brushing my hair takes a toll on me
      - Low battery patch on stomach to indicate low energy
      - Zs on the inside of the ears
      - Tail is a little flame to represent the spinal cord inflammation
      - Wrist and ankle shackles connected to a weight that say ME, I feel weighed down and weak and like I need to pull my body along

    • could u do one on Dermatillomania?

    • I second PKD but I see that a Kidney Disease bun is in the works. PKD has impact more than half my family for as far back in generations as we have documented. New children born into our family have their first scan at 3 years old then every 3 years until adulthood. After that it’s every 5 years. I have 4 children ages 25 – 4 and 2 have been affected. There are 4 children from my parents and 3 of us have been affected. My oldest sibling is already on dialysis. One has passed. Only my sister is unaffected. My oldest child just gave birth to my first grandchild and he had developmental issues with his kidneys in the womb. Fortunately they resolved prior to his birth and were unrelated to PKD but we definitely held our breath. I love that you are in the process of giving representation to Kidney Disease. ❤️

    • panic syndrome

      Maria Fernanda
    • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease – it's considered "the most common unknown disease" because it affects 1 in 2,500 worldwide, and yet most doctors have only ever heard the name once in med school but never interacted with a CMTer. It's a degenerative neuromuscular disease, primarily peripheral but can also affect the central nervous system in more severe cases like mine. There is no cure and no treatment outside of things like physical therapy, assistive devices, etc. Only type 1A is usually ever included in research, but there are dozens of other types that get no attention or research funding. It's almost always inherited, but mine is de novo, meaning that the genetic defect occurred while I was in the womb, so neither my parents nor my brothers are carriers.

      Wheelchair user/walker user/cane user/etc. plushies

      Cult/high control group survivor plushies

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